Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Woops nearly forgot a wall

Nearly forgot to show the extra wall we started Sunday arvo. We didn’t quite get it finished but 2 ½ walls to go and the end is in sight.

First undercoat

With the gyprock finished and only the cornice to go, time to drop a quick undercoat on. We a special one. They have a special everything up here for the tropics just looks like paint to me just costs more. But we have to seal it off quick it only takes a short time and 300mm of rain and it will absorb it all.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another one gone before breaky

So now we are getting so good we knocked of this wall before breakfast. 3 walls to go and all the container walls are gone inside and out, we will have to climb up on the roof to see what they used to look like.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Another weekend and more walls are gone !

Well another weekend and more cladding gets done. We are getting quite good at it now and we completed the southern wall in a day. It’s still hot and hard work but the end is in sight. Lucky we have a TA on site.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Just a little time for the garden

We don’t publish photos of it, but each weekend we spend a fair of time mowing, weeding and trying to plant out garden. It is a lot of work and no matter how many plants we get in there is room for hundreds more. I  luckily picked up some underlay form a building refurbishment to aid in weed control.

Oh did I mention I was building a tropical island, complete with sand beach, Coconut palms, and hula girls ( well I haven’t convinced Tina to put a grass skirt on yet)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

External Cladding works continue

Well with  plasterer finishing so quickly the pressure is on for us to complete the external cladding. So this weekend we tackle the Back wall. It has been dam hot and when you are getting the reflection of the insulation it makes it even worse. But another weekend down anf the back wall is finished ( only 5 to go)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Just a blink an the internal walls are done

We arrive back after a fortnight away and the internal lining is done. Blink of an eye there are no more container walls an d now just gyprock. It looks great however somewhat sad .