Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ah Painting what a joy

With nearly all the cladding done and just waiting for the custom flashing to finish off the final row we decide to commence painting. So off we go painting cladding, have I told you all how much I hate painting. Anyway one Easter weekend gone, one house painted, well nearly.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

OK lets build the deck next

So with all the walls nearly completed we need to put up the deck beams so we can get the deck done of the May long weekend. So 4 beams (not delivered to the top site again!!) to weld in place another set of cleats and some serious rust proving takes us another weekend but ready for joists

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Where have the containers gone?

We are so close to finishing off the cladding but need to add some cleats in for the decking. So back to welding cleats and preps to allow us to finish of the last wall. Looks good but no more container walls any more L

Just need some flashing to complete the top row and it is all over