Monday, October 21, 2013

main bedroom

So with colours selected we are off painting. Tina is doing the walls in the main bedroom and I am doing the doors and skirts.

All in all a great result but another weekend to go before we can truly say we have finished our first room 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

architraves and skirtings

So now we have fitted the ceiling fans to the rooms, well minus the blades, we not point getting does dusty already as we all know how much fun they are to clean.

We have started the long task of cutting all the architraves and skirting, here are some fit tests prior to commencement of painting.

Master bedroom

Well now that I am fully recovered it is all hands back on deck. We have spent some time deciding on Architraves, skirtings and final wall colours, which is not always a simple process. Several sample pots later we have selected, Solver “Intermezzo” for the walls and “Moccacino” for the architraves, skirtings and doors.

We have decided not to start with the bathroom, but tackle some more simple rooms first. So first stop is the main bedroom and that is one of the last remnants of the containers remain. We are going to use the original timber floor in the bedroom so we have to sand and varnish it.