Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Rainforest trees

This weekend we are on a mission and a list of jobs. We pick up 35 trees all local rainforest ones and plant out and area to revegetate. The tractor comes in handy here as we use the rotary hoe to prepare the soil first. So with this done it is a simple job just to plant these trees.

That evening we start to deck out the guesthouse with light, power and of course sound. It will be a 12 volt system  and we should have everything we need to complete this. It is good to have some inside jobs to do. It goes together quite well and we finally have music.
I have been to Glenfords tools again this time a drill press and bench to put it on. The bench was a bargain at $ 50. We will have so many brackets to drill for the Workshop & house roof a drill press will be well worth the investment.

We have been on a plant buying rampage and out balcony in Cairns looks like a garden centre, with plants being broken up to smaller plants and propagation occurring.

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