Sunday, September 25, 2011

The dry season contiunes

After a  week off to travel to Adelaide for Mel & Glen’s wedding I’m back on site. While away Tully had some serious rain with 100mm and 40mm falling over 2 days. This was going to test my blocks and recent work at the workshop. Well all is good with only a few holes full of water. Doesn’t look like much soil washed into them so all is good. I think they have settled a little and require a bit of correction to finalise but I need Tina here for this.

So my goal was to make a workbench, workhorses and finish of my drill press table. It took longer than I expected but after 2 days they are all done. So all I need now is the steel supplier to come through. He is now holding me up. Not sure if I should focus on the stumps or the workshop roof. Need the stumps so I can get the house concreted in ASAP, but need the roof so if it rains I can make the stumps hmm.
Well back for a week this time. Tina and I spend the weekend planting shrubs in front and behind the workshop and  some drain work. We start work on making a number of brackets required to fit the workshop roof and these take a fare bit of time and gives the new drill press a good workout.
The soil in the bottom of the stump holes has swollen a little and with the wash in from last weeks rain so we have to dig about 100mm out of them all. I haven’t done the ones under the centre of the containers, I will leave them to last. Tina heads back to Cairns for the week to go to work while I stay on with plenty to do. I spend the morning mowing the block and doing some more floor work for the workshop. The stumps and workshop roof beams arrive so I can start some serious work now.
First job is to weld in place all the Stumps to the containers so we can concrete them in place before any more rain comes. This takes a good couple of days work and I have some welder problems which I later find out is related to the tip. We schedule the concrete pour for Friday and a council inspection prior to approve prior to pouring. All goes well and we get our first inspection certificate. The concrete pour goes really well but we only just scrape in enough concrete to finish the job. It is hard work trying to finish off 25 holes before they go off.
I have made all the roof supports for the workshop and they are all ready to weld in place. I tackle some other jobs including making a carry tray for the tractor using one of our spare container doors.

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