Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Workshop roof in progress

With no serious job prospects coming to fruition yet I’m back down the block in an effort to complete the workshop roof. It is a lot of work fabricating all the supports and brackets as well as welding all the cleats to the roof beams. I tackle some other little jobs around the place as there is no end to the work  to do.

Tina helps me lift beams 1-3 on the roof and after I realise they are around the wrong way. We swap them around and all is good. Tina heads back to Cairns for another week of week. My aim this week is to have all 4 beams  fully welded in place with purlins fitted so when Tina gets back next weekend we can fit the roof sheets. There is the odd dram during the week but mostly the heat creates problems with 35 + each day working on top of metal shipping containers. This really takes it out of me each day but come Friday afternoon the roof is ready for sheeting.

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