Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Wet has returned

And we thought the wet season was over, how wrong were we? This weekend it rained most of the day on Saturday and really poured down Saturday night. Lucky we have the roof on because the rain does not really interfere in our plans anymore.

There was a break in the weather so Andy climbed up the ladder for the 500thtime to put up the last of the gutter brackets, while I had a very important job of holding the ladder

While we were waiting for the plumber to arrive, we fitted all of the ceiling battens in our bedroom. That went all well except for the 5 minutes we had an encounter with a large huntsman spider, Andy chased it around for a while trying to catch it, in the end we secured it under an old butter container with some cutting blades on top just in case he had super powers and would have been able to escape. When we had finished the ceiling battens I remove the spider from the house back outside where it belongs.


Plumber 1 never turned up! (he didn’t even  bother call to say he couldn’t make it, bloody tradies). So that gave a young local lad Levi the opportunity to quote on the work. We are crossing our fingers he will be able to come through with a competitive price.

 I think the most fun thing we did on Saturday was pulling out / cutting down the 3 palm trees on our neighbors block. We had to do this, it was requested by Ergon, and we didn’t want to give them any excuses as to why they have to delay erecting the power poles, which would delay our connection to mains power.

Most of Sunday was spent clearing the re-growth from the edge of the rainforest, just so the sakes have time to realize that they are out in to open and to turn around an head back into the protection of the rainforest.

I armed myself with the whipper snipper and tackled the grass that was starting to smother one of your re-vegetated sites.

And we thought the wet season was over, how wrong were we? This weekend it rained most of the day on Saturday and really poured down Saturday night. Lucky we have the roof on because the rain does not really interfere in our plans anymore.

After that we marked out where the trenches need to be dug for the storm water / plumbing / and electrical. But with the forecast for next week – rain, rain, and more rain I don’t think the trenches will get dug, and I bet we have to re-marks the ground again.

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