Thursday, December 27, 2012

All hands on Deck as we go cladding crazy

Well this is where we go Cladding crazy it is the days leading up to Christmas and the kids are here so we have a crew of 4. The plumber is up doing first fix, Water, sewer and as but that is next week’s story.

So our goal is to complete down one side and this one is probably the toughest as it has 3 windows and three container joins. First job is to weld a number of mounting brackets to allow the first row of cladding to be secured, below the skin and of course must be level once this is done and we fit the first row it is easy street. Kirsten is in charge of screws and clips and tools while Tina and Jason are in charge of cladding supply bringing around full lengths as well as cut lengths. It all goes well and progresses fast until we get to the windows. This slows us down and it is hot dam hot. We make good progress on the first day but stop in time for a swim at Alligators nest in the rain.

 Second day back into it and finishing off all the cuts around the window and al l the way to the second to last row. Once again it is hot and sticky as it has rained. We cannot do the last row until we get a special piece of flashing made to finish it off to the container roof. So if water ever does get under there or the roof gets ripped off in a cyclone it si still sealed off to the wall.

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